Hogesnelheidstreintje (Little High Speed Train)

Song in Dutch by Simon Oak about the Dutch government’s failure to deliver high speed train in time and within budget. The news and the song date back to June 2013. The song mentions Eurlings, the then Minister of Transport, a Christian Democrat, responsible for the debacle, who…

Duimpje Omhoog (Thumbs Up)

Song in Dutch by Simon Oak about the strange unnecessary hesitation many people have to give a thumbs-up to people that show their creative work on Facebook. Lyrics Chorus: Wat leuk, wat leuk, een duimpje omhoog! Met een balk in m’n oog, een balk in…

Volle Maan (Full Moon)

Old Hallowe’en Song in Dutch. I wrote this song for my kids back in 2002 and recorded it just now. Hope you like it. Lyrics Om twaalf uur in de nacht bij volle maanWanneer de uilen vliegen en de klokken slaanOm twaalf uur in de…

Opeens Was Het Voorgoed

Tribute song in Dutch to my dad for his birthday. I still miss him, although he died so many years ago. Quick home recording, June 2014.   Lyrics Ik moest je al vaak missenMaar opeens was het voorgoed‘t is niet bepaald sinds gisterenIk zie je nog zo…